Local Delivery
FREE DELIVERY within 65kms of Russell automatically added at check out.
Within 20kms of Russell? We will deliver on our e-bikes - part of our efforts to reduce our environmental impact.
If you are outside of our free delivery zone, please send us an email: info@chinchincoffee.com and we will see what we can do - we want to be as helpful to our customers as possible.
We ship Canada wide too using our corporate Canada Post rates.
We want your whole experience with Chin Chin Coffee to be memorable, fun, and as good as our freshly roasted coffee.
Environtmentally Friendly
No carbon emissions when we deliver on our bicycles. Fluid Bed roasting doesn't use fossil fuels.
Fresh Coffee
Roasted to order so each batch is the freshest coffee you will ever have.
Speedy Delivery
Bicycle and e-bike delivery locally - look for our pink rocket e-bike.
We deliver once a week - EVERY WEDNESDAY.